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Leaving my cat while on trip


I have to leave my two cats, one indoors and one outdoors for an extended period. Approx 3-4 weeks.  I do not want to put them in a shelter so I have my sister coming by once a day to feed and check on them.  Are they going to be O.K. what can I expect

Hi Brenda,

Having someone check on them once a day is fine. I assume that she will feed, water, an change litters in that time period. You might want to put a TV or radio on a timer for the inside cat. This makes a big difference in how cats take the separation.

Make sure you have a backup in place in case your sister can't make for whatever reason. And maybe the backup person can check every few days just to make sure all is ok. Leave a couple of self waterers out. And the same with self feeders. They should be ok. When you come be prepared for them not to leave you alone. They will miss you and be happy when you come back. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen