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Worried about Sky-sky


Hi. I am worried. My little brother threw the family cat Skywalker on the gruond<hard> last night, and since then he's been walking with a limp, hiding under beds, and yowling loudly in pain whenever he walks. This has happened once before, and usually he's okay in a couple of days, but I was wondering if you could help me. Thank you! Gretta

Hi Gretta,

First off, you need to get brother under control. I don't know how old he is but if he is older than 15 I would report him to the authorities and get him straightened out. If he is younger than that you need to speak to your parents about what is going on there.

Your cat is hurt and afraid. You need to take him to the vet. He may have some broken bones. Your vet can check him out. Keep your brother away from the cat. If you can't keep him away, then get another home for your cat. Skywalker doesn't need to be treated that way. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen