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Any reason other than left behind ovaries/tissue for a spayed cat to be acting like she is in heat?



Our female cat was spayed about a year ago.  She was probably about 6 months when we had her spayed.  Within the last two months, she has started acting as if she is in heat about every two weeks.  She exhibits all the expected behaviors: yowling, rolling around on the floor, rubbing up on things, and trying to molest our boy cat (neutered at the same time).  I called the Vet to schedule the test to see if ovarian tissue had been left behind and they said they would only cover the charge IF they found that there had been an issue with the spay, saying that there are a number of other things that could cause the behavoir (her specific example was a problem with an adrenal gland).  We were very dissatisfied with the surgery experience we had from this vet and took our cats elsewhere afterwards.  So I don't trust them.  In my online research, I've only found mention that this is a problem if there is ovarian tissue left behind from the spay.  Could there truly be other reasons for this behavior?   Your expertise is very must appreciated!  Thanks!

Hi April,

I think the vet is reaching. Overactive adrenal glands are uncommon in cats, and estrus signs are not a common symptom when it does occur. The fact that the signs are occurring cyclically and are not constant would further suggest they are probably not adrenal-related.

Ovarian Remnant Syndrome is somewhat common. Even the best vets perform incomplete spays from time to time. It may be embarrassing, but it happens in every practice.

I don't know of anything else that might cause her behavior to be perfectly frank, but I'm not a veterinarian.

I think the odds are certainly in your favor that this is, indeed, Ovarian Remnant Syndrome. But whether you trust the vet to be ethical and honest with you is another story. So I'm not entirely sure what to recommend. But I do think your kitty will need a second surgery to stop her from going into heat all the time.

Best of luck!