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sick cat


My cat has had darriah for 3 days shes 7 years old and this is the first time she has ever been sick and I am so scared she does not have anything wrong with her eyes could I give her a little imodium ad ? please say yes please let me know asap. thank you

Hi Sherry,

If your cat weighs 10 lbs, it's safe to give her 1/4 of an Immodium AD tablet. However, this is only like a Band Aid and does nothing to heal what's causing the diarrhea. The Immodium probably won't work, or if it does, the diarrhea will return once she's off it. Also, it should not be used for longer than 48 hours. Most times, cats have a cause of diarrhea, like an infection or parasites. Since the diarrhea has continued for this long, it suggests it's not a passing stomach bug, and your kitty should probably see a vet for a dewormer and an anti-inflammatory/antibiotic. If possible, you should bring in a fresh fecal sample to determine if there is a particular germ or parasite that's causing her diarrhea so the vets can prescribe the best antibiotic.

Good luck!
