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My 1yr. old siamese (Yes he is fixed)started throwing up and making loud growling noises when he stops pucking.he doesn'want to be touched he gets angry.he doesn't have any energy.this has  been happening 5hrs. now. he has pucked 2 times that i know of.what could be the problem?  

He's probably growling and doesn't want to be touched because his belly is causing him serious pain.  Sometimes cats get stomach viruses like people do that will just need to pass on their own.  You should withhold food and water for 12 hours, and then see if he will eat and drink a small amount of a mild food, like boiled chicken breast or chicken baby food.

If this continues tomorrow, or he develops other symptoms (foaming at the mouth, breathing problems, changes in the appearance of the eyes, jaundice, blue gums, seizures, or vomiting blood or passing blood in the stool), he needs to see a vet on an emergency basis.  These could be signs he's swallowed something poisonous, or a string that can lacerate the stomach and intestines or actually pinch them closed, resulting in internal bleeding or toxicity.  Catching these problems right away is imperative to saving him.  I don't think it would be a silly idea to get him in even now, just to be on the safe side.