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Follow-up on redirected aggression


Thanks so much for your help with Oscar and Grover.  I have taken care of preventing the other cat from returning to the patio but Oscar hasn't really calmed down.  I got some feliway and sprayed it near the door to the patio and in all Oscar's usual hiding places.  Oscar reacts very well to treats and catnip, so I can get him out of his hiding spots and interacting with Grover.  If Grover leaves and comes back though, Oscar is instantly scared again and growls and hisses.  Is there a time frame that it might take for Oscar to cool off, or are there any other suggestions you have.  Grover is very patient with Oscar and does not hiss back, but I think he misses hanging out and playing.  Oscar is definitely timid of the door to the patio, so I was hoping with time, he will become more comfortable with it.  Any extra tips or reassurances would be helpful.  Thanks a lot.

Hi again Heather,

It's still very early days with this, so don't panic too soon.  Feliway usually works fairly instantly but there are reports of some cats taking a week or even up to a fortnight to appear calm, so I'd try it for at least another week before you worry that it isn't working.  It's also early days for Oscar to truly believe that the other cat isn't hanging about on the patio so he'll need a little longer without seeing the other cat before he calms down completely.  It's a good sign that Grover is being so patient and if he appears a bit lost without Oscar, you may have to play with him a little more than usual to keep him occupied.

One more thing you could try is getting some Bach's Rescue Remedy from the pharmacy and adding a few drops to Oscar's drinking water - this is a floral remedy that is marketed for humans as an anti-anxiety remedy but is also completely safe for cats and very effective.  Don't overdo it though as it does contain a small amount of alcohol!  A couple of drops in his water each day will be sufficient.

If this behaviour continues for more than a couple of weeks and it's becoming a problem, it's worth taking Oscar to the vet to be sure there is no medical cause for his change in attitude.  However, with a recent house move and a strange cat loitering on the patio, I am 99% sure that you already know the cause of his behaviour and you're dealing with it well.  Give him a week or so, and I reckon he'll be a changed cat!

Take care and good luck - love to Oscar and Grover.