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new born kittens are dying


Mr. Auspitz, My cat "Zoey" has just delievered a litter of six kittens. Zoey is very young herself and extremly small.  Id say she's probably less than six months, I found her last fall. Im wondering these kittens could be in need of extra care because of how small and young the mother is.  So far two have died, one survived for one day and the other survived for two. Now its day 3 and I fear that the remaining 4 will dye as well.  They are being fed, Ive been watching to make sure.  They're just SO tin y and almost have an underdeveloped look to them. Any sugestions would be greatly appreciated.  Home remidies and treatments only, regretably, I can not afford to take them all to the vet at this time. Thank you so much.


No good news here.  At the age and size of the kittens, there is not much a vet could do for you anyway.  There are no useful home remedies.  You will just have to see how things go and hope for the best on the other 4.  If they are premature by a week or more, the outlook is grim. On the other hand, if your mama cat is doing her job, that is what is best for the kittens at this point.  In first litters, with a mother so young, it is not surprising that a couple in the litter have died.

If they make it to a week, the odds are that they will survive.

You will just have to sit by and see what develops.

Once the remaining kittens are weaned, I would scrape up the money and get her to a neuter/spay clinic and have her spayed.

Let me know how the remaining four kittens do.

Best of luck and best regards... Norm.