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house training loss

20 16:40:15

My wife and I have a cat that is about 10 years old. She has had Bently since I have known her. Bently has always done fine. Now we have three young children; ages 5, 3, and 2. Only recently Bentley has been doing his business in the living room on the carpet whether his cat box is clean or not. We have cleaned the area in the living room with pet deoderizer (enzyme) but he persists. I hope you can enlighten me. We really don't want to get rid of Bently.
Thank you,

Hi Steve,

Has there been any kind of change in his life lately?  Sometimes cats will do something such as this when they are upset.  Also, you need to make sure it's not a medical problem.  It's really hard to say exactly why he is doing it.   You are doing the right thing.  Keep the area clean so that he hopefully won't keep using the same area.  Try covering where he goes with something, temporarily.   If you have to, keep him confined with his litter box unless you can watch him.  

God Bless,