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My cats pregnancy is overdue


Hello i been searching around online to see when my cats due date would be she bred on september 5th 2010 i looked on one and it said she would be due on november 5th.Well it is now november 9th and she has not had her kittens yet i looked on another due date calculator for cats online and that one said she would be due today on november 9th there all telling me different things so i dont know which one is right.I do know for sure she bred on september 5th 2010,She does not seem to be having any problems when i feel her belly i can feel her babies moving like crazy she is still eating and drinking fine.Once in a while she looks behind my bedroom dressers i think to try to nest back there.The only thing is she is acting really tired and laying around alot but this is probably because she is pregnant and her belly is huge.I am just wondering could you tell me if she bred on september 5th 2010 when she should be due?I have all these sites telling me different things and i am scared she is over due is she was due on september 5th then the calculator of the first one i looked at said november 5th would be her due date.If that is true then she is 4 days over due.Can you please tell me when she may be due and how long should i wait if she is overdue before i should take her into a vet.Thank you so so much i really appreciate it because this has been worrying me like crazy.

Hi Evelyn,

The average gestation period for cats is 63 days, so this would actually put her due date at November 7th.  However, there is some wiggle room, and a window of 58-68 days can be considered normal.  Some cats, especially certain breeds like the Siamese, carry even longer than this.  I would give her until November 12th before beginning to get concerned.

However, if you notice symptoms that concern you, such as a thick vaginal discharge, a lack of appetite or social withdrawal without any signs of labor, then certainly get her into the vet.  Also, if she does show signs of labor but does not deliver any kittens within 6-12 hours, or if she is actively pushing but doesn't deliver any kittens within an hour, she should get to a vet.

Best of luck!
