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recently spayed 7 year old breeding cat


I recently adopted a 7 year old persian breeder.  She was also recently spayed and now acting as if she were in heat.  Will this behavior subside over time now that she is spayed?


Normally, it takes 6 weeks for the hormones to completely dissipate after being spayed.  Any behavior like being in season should subside.

Hopefully, the vet who did the surgery is experienced in spaying and left nothing behind that could produce hormones.

If after some weeks she comes back into season again, I would have her hormone levels checked.  If the hormones are not at a sufficiently high level to produce a season, the behavior could be due to something else going on.

There are also short term hormone therapies you could try which you could work with your vet.  Short term therapies would be no problem.  You do not want to do any hormone therapies for the long term.

Seasonal regards... Norm.