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kitten urology


I have 5 one week old kittens. They all seem to be thriving good, except for the runt. He is a boy and he isn't growing well like they other kittens, and the problem I have noticed with Convict, is that his tail is constantly wet. I think it is urine. Should I be concerned or is he ok? Any information would be great.  Thanks!  Theresa Mazur-Ohio

Hi Theresa,
This doesn't sound good, he may not have control of his bladder.  You don't really mention anything else. Is he eating well? Is he underdeveloped to where he does not get around like the others? To be a runt is one thing, but to not grow or develop is another.  You may need to evaluate this and if it is the fact that he is abnormal, a trip to your vet may be necessary.  I hope it works out ok for you.

God Bless,