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sick kitties


QUESTION: Hello, I have two cats that have been acting wierd lately. The weather here has been really hot, but we've made sure that they have had acess to water at all times. Both of them, especially the mother, have been kind of lethargic, and they can't meow. They open their mouths, and all that comes out is a breath of air, with maybe an extremely tiny meow. My mom and dad think that nothing is wrong, but I'm concerned. What should I do to help them?

ANSWER: Corey,

Have they eaten any 'bad' catfood? Have they been vomiting at all?

The hot weather CAN cause heat strokes in cats but if they haven't been directly in the sun for a long period of time that might not be it.

The only way to know is to take them to the vet for a blood test and exam. Anytime a cat is weak and lethargic it is a bad sign, especially if two of them are that way. It could possibly be poisoning.

You don't give very much infomation as to any other signs or symptoms they may have, but from what you have said it appears to be a medical problem that needs immediate attention. Are they drinking water at all? Dehydration is a concern too. Have they eaten anything?

Heat CAN bother some cats alot, but when you have 2 cats with the same symptoms, it sounds more like something they ate. Are their tummys real hard? They could both have an intestinal blockage.

There are a lot of possibilities, even the possibility that it is something that they will get over quickly. But without someone physically seeing them....their gums, their eyes, taking their temperatures, etc. it is impossible to give you a cause of what is wrong.

Let me know how they are doing. I will keep my fingers crossed that they will be OK. And please convince your mom and dad that they need to be checked by the vet.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: All right, we have not taken them to a vet because we think we've found the problem. Yesterday by dad found four half  eater mouse carcasses in the yard. This is good and bad. Good news: the cats are well enough to start doing their job again. Bad news: my mom and dad had put rat poison in their bathroom, and it was after they put out the poison that our cats started acting funny. We think they've eaten poisoned rats and a lot of them. They can meow a raspy meow now, have been eating and drinking normally, and the kitten seems more playful. My dad says that since they've already been poisoned that it has brobably entered the bloodstream, so normal treatmens such as activated carbon wouldn't work. Could there have been arsenic or other heavy metals in the poison? We've gotten rid of it, but is there anythin else we could do to try and flush it out of their system or help them along in any way? Thank you so much for your help!



It is possible that the cats ate poisoned rats, but there are many other things that are toxic also. Usually there is bleeding when they ingest rat poison. It could be another toxin that burned their throat which is why they are raspy. Such as walking across a lawn that has weed killer on it then licking their paws.  

I am including 2 very good links on toxins that you should read. Copy and paste, or type the whole link into your address bar:


I hope this information helps and I hope your kittys will be back to normal soon.
