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Cat illness?


I have a small taby cat. She is approximately 4 years old. She suddenly became "sick" for about three days, disappeared in the house for 1 1/2 days, wouldn't eat or drink. She did not have any wheezing, couching, diahrea or vomiting, but really seemed like she felt very, very badly. Only slept. She is normally very, very active (follows me in the house like a puppy), plays a lot and talks a lot. She now seems to be back to almost "normal" after 3 sick days. Did she have some kind of a kitty flu or virus or what do  you think?

Thank you.   Claudia

Hello Claudia,

To be honest it's impossible for anyone to say whether your cat was being like this because she was not feeling well. It is a possibility she may have been a little under the weather, although, cat flu and most viruses would have lasted longer and she would have most probably been displaying more symptoms. The only way to find out if she is well is to have her checked out by a vet. It could have even been something as simple as a 'run-in' with something that scared her, and she is now feeling safe enough to venture out again.

Sorry I could'nt have helped you more, but the fact she is now improving is a good sign and if she begins to show any symptoms, just like the ones you mentioned, I would get her checked by a vet.

Thank you
