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Travelling radius for a cat from the home.


I have just moved to a new home and my oldest cat has been disappearing all day since we got here and now after a few days of doing this she has now done a big disappearing act which has been 2 days long.She has not arrived back home yet and the start of the third day is nearly here.Im wondering how far away from there home a cat would travel on average in 1 night????


The question is why did you let her outside after just moving to a new house? How is she supposed to know she should stay here now? Normally, cats do not wander too far from home. But the exception is when the household moves, they may try to return to their old home and become lost. If you have outdoor cats and you move you should always keep them indoors for at least 2 weeks, until they feel at home in the new place.

All you can do is search for her - do not just wait for her to come home! First check at dusk with a flashlight when you may see her eyes - wood piles, sheds, garages, under the porch. Here are tips on finding a lost cat:

Also check all the animal shelters in your area daily - even if she wears a collar it can be lost, and a microchip may not read in some shelters' scanners.

Contact the new tenants of your old home and ask them to look out for your cat, in case she makes it back there successfully, but don't assume she will accurately find her old home - search all around your house starting close by and spreading outwards.

Good luck I hope you find her safe and sound!