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Our Beautiful Cat


Hi Norman,

We adopted a full grown cat last week that had been brought into our neighborhood and seemed to be playing 'cat and mouse' with the traffic on our street. We weren't planning on adding a new family member to our home but we became concerned she would be hit by a car unless someone took her in. Turns out our neighbor brought her to his house in the hopes of finding her a home after his brother decided to get rid of her due to his new girlfriend who detests cats. Our neighbor speaks very little English (he's Puerto Rican and I speak very little Spanish but from what I can understand the cat, named Maxi, was always kept inside. (The woman who purchased her passed away.) We renamed her Powder and she began to respond to her name the next day, she seems very intelligent. She is de-clawed and I'm told she is also spayed. She is not a threat to my 8 year old Cockatiel, Cody. We will be taking her to the vets next week, just wanted to be sure she and our bird hit it off before going that route, turns out she enjoys watching him from time to time and the bird leans forward in his cage to talk to her, so cute. (The lady who passed away had several Cockatiels I'm told.)

She is the most beautiful cat I have ever seen. She is long haired and pure white with one blue eye and one green eye, pale colors of blue and green.  She doesn't have a punched in face like Persians do. I thought she might be Himalayan but her body shape is more on the long and lean side. She looks fat and fluffy due to her long hair (her hair is not curly). She has a 'jutting chin' that gives her a bit of a stubborn look.  My neighbor told me his brother paid "mucho deneros" (much money) for her as a kitten although that means little to me since I don't care if she's pure bred or not.

Her front legs seemed to be shaped differently than cats I've known but not as if deformed, just different. When she stands up her 'knees' seem to bow in. Her back legs appear to be normal or like that of a typical house cat. If she were human I would compare her front legs when she's standing to that of a very feminine stance, like a model on a runway, the way they stand in front of their audience just before turning around to walk when modeling a garment.

She seems to be very independent, doesn't need our attention but does allow us to pet her when she decides it's time, on her schedule and not ours.  She's very quiet and not into playing with cat toys other than enjoying her catnip dipped play mouse each evening before bed time. She is very dignified, almost regal in the way she walks. And she seems to ignore my husband and I often times when we call her to us. I thought at first it was due to her seemingly independent personality that she mostly ignores us but I have learned she may be partly deaf due to having one blue eye which could also explain her playing cat and mouse with traffic.

I know often times personalities play an important part of identifying certain breeds (from what I've read) which is why I am trying to describe her personality to you.  I've only raised one cat on my own who lived to be 14 years old and whose personality is NOTHING like that of our cat, Powder.

Her purr is so quiet you can barely hear it and her meow is also very soft. She is the epitome of femininity.

I have gone on several cat websites trying to find out what type breed she is in the hopes it will help us understand her better then found you. Can you give us an idea of what breed she might be? Your help is appreciated.



Based on what you have described she is, possibly, an odd eyed white Turkish Angora.

Turkish Angoras temd to be strong willed and independent coupled with extreme playfulness and affection. They are intereseted in all things human and are attracted to family and strangers, alike. They tend to approach all activities with much intensity.

A spayed, declawed cat hs no place out of doors.  Congratulations on being an angel and taking this cat in.

Best regards... Norm.