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Cat urine problem


Hello I would really appreciate some help with this  :)
In  December 2006 we found a 3-4 month old Maine Coon mix  and adopted him. A wonderful cat smart and loving and great to be around ( we also have a 4 year old male ) . This past June we had him neutered; the week before he had gone pee pee on the sofa , our fault for waiting  longer than 6 mo ( he was 10 months) . All went well we also purchased Feliway plug in to calm the cats and help with urine marking , which had gone away since the surgery . that is until this Monday 9.4.07 (the Sunday before we had switched to a different brand of cat litter and Feliway had run out in the plug in for about a week at that point- both have now been replaced and renewed ) when after pooping in the litter box he jumped up the couch and squatted and urinated on the same sofa ( Sofa cushions have been removed and replaced with new ones so no old markings could be detected). We made a vet appt to eliminated any medical problems , he went in today my husband took him in and the vet after examination concluded that he is in perfect shape and would keep him there to collect urine naturally not by cystocentesis since she felt that really there was no need to stress the cat with this procedure ( I thought it was  a routine non painful way to collect urine). After 9 stressful hours at the vet the cat did not urinate and I felt that if after 9 hours of stress he did not do it , he should not be poked with a needle at the end, so that if this is behavioral we do not make it worse. I am very confused by my vets actions how can she diagnose urine by simple external examination , what if he has crystals in urine??? and also if it is behavioral why choose to stress the cat for 9 hours versus a 10 second needle prick to collect the sample , are we not hurting him more this way? Thank you so so much for your time and I appreciate the help  

HI Antonia,

I have never heard of the needle prick, whenever I need a sample they just palpate the bladder and squeaze a bit to get them to go.  I also would not want him at the vet for that long, but that is me.  Also, since I feed raw I have never had a blocked cat, however, there are signs when blocking is going on and one of those would be not being able to urinate so many trips to the box without actually peeing.  

I think this is likely behavioral spraying and I would strongly recommend "Cat Attract" litter, it works like a charm for male sprayers.

Hope this helps!