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kitten wont grow


I took in a female kitten in July 2007, and then she was determined to be 6-8 weeks old by the vet. She was malnourished when I got her, had some physical signs of trauma, like a broken tail and scar on her spine, but she was examined when she had her first shots and she basically checked out with clean bill of health.  Oh, I forgot that she could not see for at least a month, but her vision is great now, however she is deaf.  She seems happy and loves to play with my older male and female cats.  She also has a little hump in her back, but it doesn't seem to bother her. She weighed 1 pound a year ago and now she's up to about 4.5 pounds. Should I be worried?

hi Litwan, My biggest concern would be that she may have brought a virus into your home that could be passed onto your other cats.Did you have her blood work done when you got her?? If it came back clear then I would not be too concerned about her.  
We can always worry that something may be wrong with our pets or our children but my advice to you would be to just take each day as it comes with this little girl.
It sounds like she had a very rough start in her life and this may have given her some permanent disabilities. HOWEVER>.. she is doing so much better then when you got her and I assume she is eating well and living a good life with you. I would guess that anything that is wrong with her from the damage in her past is something that cannot be corrected at this  point. 4.5 pounds is small but it is not unheard of ! Some small breeds of cats only ever get to that size at adulthood... So don't worry  yourself. Just think how far she has come and if she was able to get through her kitten hood with so many things stacked against her then she should live a lot longer now that she has a good home and good care living with you!! Teresa