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SOft paws and Soft CLaws? are they the same thing?


Hi I was wondering what the difference was between the two and if you have tried them, I have just read they have been launched though which I think stands for soft paws uk. I have been using the soft paws type for several years now which I brought off my vet in london to stop my cat from destroying the home and it works a treat. Far better than all the other spays and scratching posts.

softclaws uk appear to be selling a different pack with a yellow label? Im thinking of trying them out but do you know the difference?

Hi Peter.  Yes, Soft Claws and Soft Paws are the same product with the same patent number made by the same company.  Both names are trademarks owned by Soft Paws, Inc.  On, it does note that the Soft Claws there are also a trademark of Soft Paws, Inc. in the U.S.