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My cat having delivery trouble


My cat maybe having trouble delivering. I'm not so sure tho. This is her 3rd litter within a year or so of each other and i'm getting worried. The kittens from the other litter delivered perfectly except for with a birth defect. Heres what happened: My cat is "clingy" and  doesnt want me to leave her. She is pretty young (not 2yrs yet). Last night she had 2 kitten(starting at about 8pm). The 1st (10:45pm) was breach and i had to help pull it out. The second one (11:15) was not breathing at first but i've done reserch before and it seems to be doing fine now besides the fact that last night it was having trouble breathing. I went to bed at 1am thinking she could do it on her own and i had school in the morning not to worry about it. But when i woke up (at 6am) she was still in labor (and still is now at 10am) and i decided i should stay home incase something happens and she needs help. Do you think its been too long?

p.s. i can fell her other kittens moving still and there is blood coming out of her "parts".

Hi, I would give her a bit of time. sometimes it can take 12 hours between kittens.. but if she is in hard labour and pushing for more than an hour then she needs some veterinary attention. If you can feel the kittens moving that is a good thing... and don't panic unless she is contracting for way too long.