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Male cats bihaviour


Hi Norman!
Again a feline question for my favorite expert!
As you know  I've always loved Persian cats and currently I have four of them .two adult females and one adult male and one male kitten actually.Napoleon(the kitten) is about three  months old and bijou(my tom cat)is about three years old.bijou had been a wonderful cat for me but as his color is gray and I've always wanted to have a white male ,recently i bought Napoleon.I must add that bijou is not abortive ,also two females are not spayed, in fact he mates with them regularly .as the result he is the dominating male of the house as you can guess.
So anyway, what I'm concerned about is the relation between bijou and Napoleon in future.i mean naturally after few months this kitten will be an adult male and will show his interest toward the two wives of bijou! and then I'm afraid i must expect fighting between them.
You know ,on of my friends has two female and two male Persians ,just like me .and she is always nagging about some very awful fights happened between her two males as she keeps them in two separated rooms every time. to be honest i do not want to experience some thing like that! how ever , from the other hand i just hate to spay or make my pets neutral!confusing situation!
So,simply what do you recommend me to do for avoiding any problem in future? can i keep these two males or i must chose one of them for a peaceful future?is it possible to have more than one male simultaneously without making any of them neutral?
Thanks a lot


The normal answer to this is that whole males should not be allowed to be together as they will fight.

However, since Napoleon is so young, he might be OK to live with Bijou.  We do have our whole males running together, but they are not allowed to run with any females and they tend to be non-alpha males, as well.  Also, for breeding, when a female comes into heat we take the male we want to use with her and the female to a neutral area, away form the other male(s), where they can breed.  When they are finished, the male gets a bath and is then put back with the other male(s).

For this to work, there are 3 requirements:  (1) The males should be non-alpha (although in your situation you might be OK). (2) The males must NOT run with the females.  (3) Breeding must be done in a neutral area away from the other male(s), after which the breeding male is given a bath before being put back with the other male(s).

I hope this is helpful.

Best regards... Norm.