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Cat food intolerance


I have an 8 month old Bengal male who appears to be happy, healthy and growing normally.  We feed him a raw diet (Nature's Variety) which he digests and tolerates very well.  However, this diet is a little inconvenient when we have to leave him for a couple of days or more so our breeder recommended a good dry food just for these situations.
After doing some research we bought EVO grain free dried cat food which he absolutely loves, unfortunately it doesn't seem to love him. Even in small amounts after a day or two he will start having a runny, smelly diarrhea so we stop the dry food and revert exclusively back to the raw food.  Within a day his diarrhea has cleared up and his stools are back to normal.
The breeder where we bought him said this is very unusual as she feeds her cats and kittens a combination diet of raw and dry food.  She suggested we put a spoonful of plain yogurt in his food at each feeding then after 2 weeks gradually introduce a few kernels of the dry.  We tried this but the same situation occurred. We have also tried the Nature's Variety Raw Instinct dry food and the original dry kitten food provided by the breeder but still get the same results.
Do you have any ideas you could share with me regarding this food intolerance?

Catherine, some cats like people have food sensitivities. It sounds like your kitty just might not be flexible on shifts in diet. Unfortunately that means that you have a little less freedom to switch about his foods. Given that you have tried gradual introductions of other foods and gotten messy results I would suggest that you leave him on the food that works best for his system. You may have to look at having someone come in to feed him at the times when you normally would or boarding him at a recommended facility. I wish that I could be more helpful, but it sounds like you've tried a few different avenues. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.