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Smart Cat Not Letting Me Sleep


I have a DSH/Siamese mix cat, spayed, around 6 years old. She is my 'special needs' kitty, having been rescued from an abusive home, declawed before I got her, and recently had to have all her teeth removed due to severe dental issues. Due to this, and bad eating habits (glut until the dish is empty), she has to be fed at regular hours in the day.

My issue is that the times I chose for her were 'on waking' and 'around suppertime'. This would not be so bad... except that she is a very smart cat. She will wake me up as early as she can get away with, expecting to get fed. Waking up at 4 or 5 AM every single morning isn't much fun. However, simply locking her out of the room at night isn't an option, as she is intelligent enough to knock, loudly, on doors to ask for them to be opened.

I'm hoping for some suggestions on how to train (such as one can train a cat) her to some other time(s) for feeding, so I can get more and better sleep at night! I adore her to death, and I would rather aim for something that works for us both!


I am afraid, I have not found any way of training the cats that works. When they are intent on waking you up, they will!!!!!!!! I just stay in bed and pretend to be asleep until the appropriate time.

If you want to sleep with the bedroom door closed, you can get those earplugs used for transoceanic flights in first class. You will not hear anything!!!!! Of course, you will not hear the cat, the telephone, the doorbell, fire alarms or anything else!!!!

I am sorry I cannot be of more help.

Best regards... Norm.