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My Cat coughs


My cat is a rescued cat. She's 8 years old and has been indoors for the past 4 years now. She's been coughing for sometime now, mainly triggered when I stroke her and she purrs. Should be noted the she doesn't cough up hairballs at all. Should I be alarmed or is that normal for cats?


Coughing is not normal for cats and can be an indicator of serious medical problems. This kitty should be seen by a veterinarian promptly for diagnosis and discussion about treatments for her potential issues. I'm hoping that this is something as simple as a viral infection like bordatella, but this could be as serious as pneumonia, heart conditions or worse so it's best to get your kitty assessed as quickly as possible. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me again at any time - I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
