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pregnant cat, discharge


QUESTION: Hi, my cat is less than a year old and this is a first pregnancy for the both of us. I don't know how far along she is, but she is showing, sleeping a lot, seeking affection, and   purring constantly. About 4 hours ago, she began to have a thick but liquidy discharge, very slighly green in color. It came gushing out in spurts over the course of close to three hours (big mess!). The end was a tiny bit bloody. Is this normal?? I thought she was going into labor, but she's not nesting or in pain or anything. Did she miscarry? Please help, I only knew she was pregnant a couple of days ago and am panicking just a bit! Thank you. Marie

ANSWER: Hi Marie, so are you saying that she only just started showing signs of being pregnant a couple of days ago? was she not very big?
did you feel the kittens moving?? Do you have any idea when she was in heat or bred? can you get back to me with some more info so that I can help you out with this.. thanks, teresa

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hey Teresa, thanks for getting back to me so quickly! She was definitely in heat before, a few times, but I can't remember exactly how long ago the last one was. She's a very small cat, and my boyfriend kept asking if she was pregnant for about a week before I thought she was. I've never felt the kittens move (I don't think) but earlier she certainly looked like she was having contractions. Her belly is larger than the rest of her (but she's definitely gained a little all over) and her tummy is swollen and the skin is stretched tight. The nipples are a little enlarged and there's less hair around them. She is still having  a bit of intermittent discharge and it is definitely blood (very thin and not a lot, but still). She's very relaxed and affectionate, still drinking water, uses the litter box, cleans herself. She likes being held a lot more than normal. Does that help? Thank you so much for helping me. Marie

Hi Marie, if you have never noticed any kitten movement then that means one of three things. #1 She is very early in her pregnancy which would mean that she is having a miscarriage or #2 it means that she has dead kittens inside of her which is a serious matter or #3 she is only  having one kitten so the movement is not that easy to notice.. but it can be felt if you try.
If she was not behaving in such a normal manner I would be very very concerned about what is happening with her. Of course I would recommend a vet check up but if that is not feasible at this point then I would recommend you keep a very close eye on her. First off try to feel some kitten movement. When she is relaxed just lay your hand on her side for 10 minutes and see if you can feel anything ! If you can feel movement then this is a good thing and probably means she is just in labour... although it sounds like her water has broken and this means she should have the kitten or kittens very soon.
If you can't feel any movement and she is behaving normally then you can leave her for several more hours.. but not for several days. If she has broken water and had dead kittens in her they will be rotting .. sorry I can't think of a better way to put it !! And they will start making her very ill. If she is miscarrying and you have not seen any fetal kittens in the next few hours then this is the same worry... sorry.. I wish I could give you better news. Sometimes cats will pass amniotic water and then the sack will 'reseal' and the pregnancy can continue on as normal.. This would be your "best case scenario" but I would get her checked just in case this is NOT what has happened.
Watch for diarrhea or not eating as signs of infection. do you have a cat thermometer? it would be good to get her temperature.