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3 Day Old Kitten


My family and I have just found an abandoned 3 day old kitten in the garden of our neighbor. She/he is much smaller than she should be and she won't eat. We are afraid for the worst and don't know what we should do. Please help us keep her alive!!!!

well it can be a lot of work and not always successful in trying to raise a runt kitten which it sounds like this one is. your best option is to take her to the vets for a thorough health check and any medication she may need. kittens can do hill very quickly sadly.

i have lots of pages on my web site about how to raise a orphan kitten which should be able to give you all the answers you need. here is the the first page


I wish you all the luck in the world and i hope you are successful in keeping this little kitten alive.

best wishes kate