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Whats wrong with my cat?


My cat was in heat right before Christmas time.  She has not been fixed and got out of the house and was gone for 9 days.  She finally came back and her nipples started to be more protruding plus her belly is getting bigger and tighter.  But now she is acting like she's in heat again!  Can she pregnant and still show signs of being in heat?


No, if she is pregnant, she should not come into season.  However, it is possible she has reabsorbed the litter and has yet to return to normal totally after said reabsorption.  On the other hand, is it is possible to mistake some nesting behaviors as being in season.

Is she "flaggiong", i.e. in an elongated body position with hind legs anguklated holding her tail to one side or the other, inviting a male to breed her? What are her signs of being in season?

Best regards... Norm.