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Feeding sick cat (histoplasmosis)



Resending my question with link to previous post:

Hi! I read Dulce's posting on how she was treating her cat and getting her to eat and I am wondering your opinion on the items she is feeding her cat? My Cleo is 14 years old and has always been a little picky but now has been diagnosed with histoplasmosis, so has almost no appetite. I am now treating her with itraconazole to rid the fungus, and cyproheptadine to stimulate appetite but its not completely effective. I would like to try some natural remedies to help in her recovery and I am trying anything I can to get her to eat - it's getting very expensive and I have been out of work for a year so I am broke after getting her diagnosed! Is it okay to give felines herbs (I read cat's claw is useful for histoplasmosis)?

Dulce's post:

Thank you,
Yvonne (Cleo's mom)

Hi Yvonne,

I have no problem with what Dulce is feeding her cat, although I would probably replace the Pet-Tinic and Baby D with Nutri-Cal, a vitamin, mineral and calorie supplement, just because I believe the contents would be more beneficial to a cat battling this particular ailment. I would use the dose for ailing cats that are not eating their full ration of food. You can get Nutri-Cal online or through your vet.

As for the cat's claw, it's not toxic to cats, but every herbal supplement has the ability to be dangerous if overused. I would suggest that you give your kitty C-Caps by Holistic pet. They have measured amounts of cat's claw and other herbs in them. Although they are marketed for cancer patients, they're an overall immune booster, and they have Echinacea in them, which has antifungal properties.

Good luck!