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kitten not peeing in litter box


I called my vet a while back, and that's what they said to, i brought her in, they said she only had a minor uti, so i gave her the medicine. she stopped peeing for a few weeks then started up again
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when i first got my kitten, she always used her litter box. after about a month she started peeing on this one spot on the carpet. someone told me to put a food dish there. i did, and she stopped. then we got a new chair and she started peeing on that. she would even do it when we were in the room with her. i started putting her bed on the chair when we would leave or go to bed and she stopped. then just recently she peed in the bed. is this a behavioral or medical problem? what can i do to make her stop?
Very often when cats have developed a urinary tract infection they will start urinating in inappropriate places.  I would definitely recommend taking her to your vet so they can do a urinalysis.  Chances are that is her problem and once she gets it cleared up she will resume using her litter box like normal.


It's possible her UTI never completely cleared up or that she just developed a new one.  If she had a UTI due to bacteria its possible the antibiotics didn't completely get rid of it and it has gotten worse.  If she had a UTI from crystals then sometimes diet is the culprit.  Sometimes cats have chronic UTIs, so this may be a reoccurring problem with her.  Hopefully its not though and she just needs another round of antibiotics.
