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Fractured 4-week kitten


Hi, my question is regarding a 4-week kitten I adopted from the streets. Yesterday, while she was walking around the house, one of the room doors slammed and trapped the kitten in the mid-portion of the kitten.

I brought it to the Vet and had an X-ray to see if there was any bone fracture. However, the vet told me that she could not see much bone through the X-ray since the kitten contain most softbone.

Today, it has been 24 hour since the kitten was injured and she hasnt peed since. I tried to stimulate her genitals, as instructed by the vet, to make her pee. But nothing works.

Right now, i am unsure if it is possible that she is undergoing organ failure which result in her not peeing. She cant walk and barely meow anymore. My sister is suggesting for me to put her to sleep. I am left with confusion and desperateness...I need your advice.


Remember, I am not a vet. At 4 weeks, unfortunately, there is not much the vet can do.  If the kitten is not drinking anything and is dehydrated, it probably will not pee.  You can try rehydrating the kitten.  I would use a soup made of one part good strained meat baby food (only ingredients strained meat and broth or gravy) and 3 parts unflavored pedialyte.  If the kitten will not drink it on its own you can syringe or eye dropper it into the kittens mouth (be careful not to drown the kitten). You should try to get at least 50 CC of pedialyte into the kitten a couple of times a day.

If the kitten is still losing motor ability and cannot be, there is probably spinal involvement.  I am afraid your sister is probably correct, the most humane thing is to have her put to sleep.

Sad regards... Norm.