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Adopted kitten from shelter


I adopted a kitten from the shelter Sat. and It's so thin I can feel every bone in the poor things body and it eats like a mouse would maybe a tbs a day of food and if that in water so we tried milk it drank some but still not much and this is the most lazy thing all it does is sleep and meow if your not holding it.. On top of it all it's being eatin alive by fleas please help!

Oh Dear Amanda. That sounds like a VERY sick kitten !! I would suggest you get it to a vet for treatment asap.
OR can you return it to the shelter? they should have never let you adopt a kitten in such terrible shape! maybe they will cover the cost of a vet visit for you. Kittens that get covered with fleas are often the really weak kittens that are almost dying. Get the fleas off it with a flea comb and get yourself a vet appointment right away and the vet will give you some good products for flea control and some medication to try to help this kitten.
I know it is tough.. but you really should return it. I am afraid this kitten is going to cost you a lot in vet fees and there are so many other healthy young kittens looking for a good home..
That is my opinion and you are welcome to share it with the shelter you got the kitten from!