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newborn kitten leg deformity?


Hello. A cat we found as a starving stray recently had four kittens. All of the kittens appear to be healthy except for one, which has very abnormally large feet, and one back leg that appears to be permanently flexed. Its leg is entirely straightened and it does not move it on its own. We haven't tried to move it because we don't want to injure the kitten.
Other than the leg, the kitten seems healthy. It's eating, plump, and its mother pays attention to it.

Is there a specific deformity that this kitten may be afflicted with? What does the future look like for this little cat? Is there anything we can do to help?

Thank you!


Remember, I am not a vet, but, in most cases, if you can bend the hind leg at the knee, you can do some physical therapy (i.e. just flex the leg at the knee about ten times) a couple of times a day and the use of the leg will begin to happen.  Also, by using a rougher cloth for bedding (like terry cloth), the kittens will push on the terry cloth which will give them exercise as they will not slide, but have their claws catch at the terry cloth. The kitten with the funny back leg will also get some exercise doing this as it pushes for a nipple.

A good idea would be to take the kitten into your vet for a check up, especially the flexed hind leg.  It is not uncommon ofr some newborns to have this problem, and, with a bit of physical therapy (just flexing the leg a couple of times a day) and the proper bedding, most kittens gropw out of it.

Please let me know what your vet says.

Best regards... Norm.