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Taming a feral - too difficult


I've tried to tame a feral adult for a couple of months now.  He isn't taming.  I trapped him last night to take him in to get neutered today. Because he will still be in the trap, I'm thinking of releasing him since I just don't seem to have time to tame him because I work full time and have activities on the side.... My mom said to try to pet him while he is under the anethesia... would that work?  Any suggestions? I'm wondering if I would be better off letting him live his feral life and visiting the local animal shelter to save another cat from death row.

First, what a wonderful thing you have done for this cat. Let me thank you since he can't.

Secondly, you have invested time and now money in this kitty and I wouldn't give up yet for two very important reasons.

1) Unaltered male cats are much more aggressive due to the hormones in their system. No wonder you have had problems getting him to accept you!

2) He will be groggy after the surgery and should absolutely not be released afterwards. He won't be able to fend for himself properly for about 24 hours. Sometimes, depending on his age and how long he has been whole, it can take longer.

Patting him while under anesthesia is useless, he can't feel it. You might try to do so when you get him home from the vet's but be very careful. Cat bites are very dangerous.

I suggest you try to keep him in a confined space -- a porch, garage, bathroom? -- for a couple of days to a week. Give him a litter box and food and water and something soft to lie on. Make sure there's a way he can stay warm if you live in a cold part of the country.  Get him a fresh catnip toy and see if he will play with it. Stay patient. Those male hormones are working their way out of his system and will be pretty much gone in about 10 days. Only at that point can you really make a fair assessment of whether he is truly tameable. If you aren't making any progress at that time, then you can let him go and feel that you gave it your best shot.

Hope this helps
