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Behavioural problems


My moggy Jasper is 2 and a half years old.  He has been neutered since 6 months old and has always been extrememly friendly and affectionate.  We introduced another cat, Molly around 9 months ago.  She is not almost 1 year old and has also been neutered since 6 months.
Recently Jasper has become very withdrawen, started hissing at both myself and partner and Molly.  He seems to be becoming quite violent, pouncing and scratching anyone who comes near him with no warning (waggling tail, moaning etc).
I am 24 weeks pregnant - Could he sense this?
Any help would be appreciated.
Kind regards,


I would take Jasper to the vet to check his blood and urine and do a physical exam just to be sure that he is not ill in any way. You should isolate him in a quiet and comfortable room with his own food, litter and water as well as a place to sleep for a few days at least before you take him to the vet. This way you will have an idea of how he is eating, using the litter pan and drinking, the vet will want to know all of these things. The sudden change in behavior could be related to illness or pain, or it may be as simple as anxiety....While you have Jasper isolated make sure that you pay attention to him often throughout the day....Try to keep him quiet, and try not to upset his routines. He may just be upset with all of the changes to his environment that are being made in preparation for the new baby. I think it would be wise to start desensitising Jasper to the sound of a baby crying just to avoid any problems. I would also like to suggest that you try a Bach Flower Essence called Rescue Remedy. You can usually find Rescue Remedy in health food stores. Rescue Remedy helps to alleviate anxiety and fear, so you may find a change in Jasper after dosing his water with 6-8 drops every morning in a fresh bowl of water. Failing that there is the option to place Jasper on an anti anxiety drug prescribed by the vet if no health issues are found. Be aware though that drugs are not without side effects. Hopefully that addresses your concerns and answers your question. If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again. I will do my best to respond as promptly and accurately to all of your questions or concerns.