Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > my kitten is peeing on my boyfriends clothes!

my kitten is peeing on my boyfriends clothes!


i have a 4 week old kitten. she just went to the vets 2 days ago and she checked out to be fine. she is also already using the litter with out a hitch except for last night and today she is very obsessed with peeing on my boyfriends clothes that he leaves on the floor in the corner of our room. i moved the clothes but she is still peeing in that one spot. but the rest of the time she uses the box. is it just a smell there that makes her so intent on urinating there?

this is a common problem. clothes seem to be a favourite choice for this behaviour because it smells most strongly of someone that they feel secure with.

the behaviour is associated with territory marking but is also associated with some stress, in this case the trip to the vets. The smell of their urine helps to make them feel secure again in their home.

the best way to try and over come this anxiety is to give your kitten a period of litter re training in a confined spot, it helps to build confidence again.
See this page for more on this process


You will also have to make sure that there is no trace of their urine scent in the areas that they went in, even the smallest spot will attract them again. here is some more information about odour removal

best wishes Kate