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Personality Change


I have two female cats. One was spayed when I got her the other one I had done Saturday. They were "joined at the hip" until then. Since Saturday the one that was already spayed is acting like she doesn't know the other one. She is also hissing at me and hiding like she is scared to death. Will this go away and how should I handle it?

Hi Alice.  This is a common behavior.  Your cat is reacting to strange scents that your newly spayed kitty and you brought home from the veterinary hospital.  These reactions typically wear off in a few days.  In the meantime, though, it's usually best to isolate the upset kitty to avoid any deeper rifts from forming.  If you have an area that's somewhat small and dimly lit, this will be most calming to her.  Small, secure areas without any bright lighting create a feeling of safety.

You may want to use a pheromone product during this time.  Facial pheromones help relax cats in times of stress to reduce stress-related behavior, which may include aggression.  I use Feliway diffusers at all times in my own home.  You could pick one of these up to use in her area (see to learn more about how this works).  There are also pheromone collars, now.  Look for the Good Behavior collar for cats, by Sentry HC.

If the kitty is still really upset in another week, you may want to talk to your vet about the possible use of a mild sedative for a couple of days.  Sometimes cats can benefits from a medication like Valium to take the edge off.

Good luck!
