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what is wrong with my cat Norman??


Hi Norman, How are you?
I have a 2 year old Persian Cat, Possibly pregnant (not sure)for the last few days I noticed that she she is passing urine on the floor outside her litter box, I also noticed that she is not covering her feces in the litter box after finishing. nothing has changed at home, no other pets, what could possibly be wrong ???
Please help because I'm really worried about her.
N.B. (The only new event is that I finally changed her food from Friskies Purina to two top brands; Evo and Organix which I'm happy she likes)
Many thanks.


She may be adjusting to the new food, but I would tend to doubt that as causing the problem.

If she has recently been bred, I would have her checked out by your vet for urinary tract problems (as these can sometimes occur from being bred).  Also, this could be a result of "morning" sickness (yes cats do get morning sickness), and, if she is feeling puny, she may not be as fastidious in her litterbox habits as she normally is.

I am providing a link to a superb set of articles on litterbox problems which have a range of possible behavioral problems leading to urinating outside the box, etc.:

My bet is that the problem is linked to the possible pregnancy, somehow.

Best regards... Norm.