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chronic problems


I have a 3 year old domestic shorthared cat. He was given to us as a kitten of 8 wks. He was very ill when we got him with a severe upper respitory infection, among other things. Over the past three years he's been given 4 or 5 different kinds of medication. None of them have helped. I was told that there is nothing else that can be given to him. He's tried every antibiotic for those systems. They even tried prednisone, thinking he had ashma, but that only made him worse. Both eyes are very runny, sometimes with clear discharge and sometimes with kind of a reddish discharge, his nose is always clogged and he sneezes all the time and when he does it's like ten times in a row. He also wheezes and has trouble breathing. He's been to 4 different Vets (including a specialist). So I don't know really where to turn now. Have you heard of anything like this before? If so can you give me some suggestions?
Thank you very much,

yes ive heard of it, i have a kitten with it now , he is on his 3rd round of anti-biotic. the vet told me he will just have to build up his immune system and kick it on his own. plus my baby is 1/2 persian so he has a short nose which adds to his problem.

i wish i knew what to tell you. but i dont.
antibiotics seem to be helping my kitten.
i am also giving him interferon..i buy it at the vets is an immune system builder. maybe you could try it, if you can find a vet who sells it.