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Re: My cat lost her companion


I brought home 2 cats from the humane society.  They were a few months apart, both girls.  I've had both the cats for the past 7 months.  Recently, I had to put one of the female cats to rest as she had a liver disease.  My cats would play together, but they did not sleep together or snuggle with each other.

I am concerned that the cat that is still with me might get lonely without her companion.  What are your thoughts?  Also they were not litter mates.

well if you are planning on getting a 2nd cat, now is the time to do it while she is a kitten and can adjust to it.
a male kitten would be easiest instead of the same sex.
If you decide you just want 1 cat, she will get used to having the house all to herself as she gets to be an adult.
(thus making it harder to bring in a second cat by then)
  Cats are solitary animals by nature.. they don't need
a pack to survive like dogs do. (they would hunt mice and
roam around on their own sometimes living with a cat colony) Thats not to say that your cat doesn't like your
attention  She does not want to be left alone 24/7. They
like to be played with and loved.. they just don't need
constant attention like dogs. And often its
attention on THEIR terms.. (cats sleep around 18 hrs a day)
So its really what you would prefer.. if you are gone
all day and work long hours ..take trips..etc...or even
if it just makes you feel better when you go out knowing
your cat isn't home alone..then get another one
 To make things more complicated...sometimes cats that live together develop a "social heirarchy.".. meaning there will be a dominant cat in the group that will expect to be favored over the others.. If you don't follow this, then
there is going to be jealousy and acting out  (this female cat would be the dominant cat if you brought in another kitten since she was there "first" - its her territory)
Cats are territorial and need their own space(s)