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Sniffiling Cat


My 8 year old adopted kitty seems to be sniffling and sneezing occasionaly.  She has never been sick in any way, and she is current on all her vaccinations.  It was happening about once a day for about a week now it seems to be happening a little more often maybe 3-4 times yesterday and once so far this morning.  Is this something to be concerned with?  She did vomit her food yesterday afternoon but did eat last night without vommiting.  Otherwise she is acting like herself.  Should I take her to see a vet or is this something that will run its course?

Hi Lisa,
If she has had all her vaccinations I wouldn't worry too much unles she continues to vomit and doesn't act like her normal self.  She may have a little bit of an allergy.  My sister's cat was doing the same thing, she took her cat to the Vet and spent a lot of money just to come back home and her cat was fine, never sneezed again!  LOL   I don't mean to make light of this, because sometimes sneezing is sign of serious illness, but in your case I'm not worried since she has been vaccinated and is acting ok.  Most cats vomit up their food ever now and then. Sometimes its hairballs. To cut down on that, give her a bit of margerine or butter to help get rid of them.  I put a dab on the inside of my cats' paw and they will lick it off. They like it! Do this about every other week.

God Bless,