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Scaredy Cat


We have a rescue Siamese girl who was a real loving house cat until she got knocked down a couple of weeks ago. Always came when we called and use to love to be with us. She is recovering well from her injuries (ruptured bladder and a fractured vertabrae.) But now is terrified of everybody and everything. Hates open spaces and hides a the smallest spaces she can find.
She hates being handled now (when I give her physio) and growls and swears:( The vet says she won't be in pain now - possibly discomfort as the feeling return to her back legs though. She is eating normally and using her litter tray.
How can I help her get over her fears?  Would something like Bach's Rescue Remedy help.

Hi Christine,

She sounds like she has been through the wringer. It is going to take time on your part to reassure her and for her to regain her confidence. She may not get it all back but you should be able to help her a lot.

I don't know too much about the Rescue Remedy but I have heard good things about it. I use this stuff.

I would set up the bathroom or some small room for her. Or even a very large dog crate. She needs to feel safe for right now. And this will help her. Limit outside visits from strange people with her. And bring her treats while you have special time for her. This will have her look forward to your visits. Keep it simple until she starts to respond to you in a positive way. Talk to her quietly, pet her gently. If she doesn't want to be petted right now then don't.

She will come around. She had a major traumatic event happen to her. And she doesn't understand why or how it happened. Remember she is a cat and doesn't process information like we do. She just understands that she got hurt terribly and wants to make sure it doesn't happen again. Patience and time will help. She should be her old self soon. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen