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Litter box regression


My cat is 2 years olds - a neutered male.  He is an indoor/outdoor cat and has had no problems with NOT using his litter box before.  I have rescued cats for quit some time but now can not rescue animals any longer.  Wendal has started urinating on clothes laid on the floor or on throw rugs.  What is wrong with him and how can I correct this behavior.  He is my baby and I refuse to give him up but I can not tolerate this behavior.  

You need to take him to the vet and make sure he doesnt have a UTI.  Some cats will start having litterbox problems when the have a UTI.  You also have to make sure that all the clothes on the floor are picked up to prevent the cat from urinating on them.  For the rugs, you need to clean them with an enzymatic cleaner.  A great cleaner that I recommend is called Natures Miracle.  It gets the urine smell out of the rugs and stops the cat from marking.  If the cat can smell the spot where he urinated he will continue to urinate there.  

If you do all this and still have trouble with him urinating on things, then you will have to start locking him in a medium sized kennel at night.  Most cats urinate the most at night when they are most active.