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Fostering Traumatized Kitten


Is there anything I can do to calm this kitten down that I am fostering for the local animal shelter? I have four other cats so I need to keep them apart because the chances of this kitten having or getting an upper respiratory infection are huge and I don't want my other cats getting the same thing. I have this other foster kitten in an extra room that we have with plenty of food, water, litter boxes, toys, blankets, etc., so that it will be ok. But when ever I leave the room it starts crying as if it were literally dying!! I don't know what to do. Help me please!!!


I would get another kitten as soon as possible! The poor thing is scared and alone. He needs a friend to cuddle with and to be comfort and companionship when he is all by himself. Kittens need a friend for reassurance and security. Especially when they are suddenly in an unfamiliar place, with unfamiliar people and pets, separated from mom or siblings, and all by themselves where they can't see anything. That is not fair to the little one and it may affect his behavior as he gets older.

I would maybe put him in a carrier and let him be in the room with everyone else. The carrier would keep your cats from exchanging bodily fluids with the kitten to contract any infection. Besides, if anything is airborne then it is in the air anyway when you open and close the door to the room.

I hope this helps
