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Mainecoon Kittens



U have 2 unneutered Maine coons, female is 4 almost 5 months and male is 9 months.  I just found out from this sight that she can get pregnant by 4 months.  Can you help me by advise and links maybe on signs of when she is in heat or pregnant.  Is she too young to carry babies?  Is it dangerous?  Please help me out with signs and symptoms and knowledge to read up on.  Thanks

ANSWER: It is most unlikely that your female can conceive at this age.
However, if you see him trying to breed her and she is cooperating, separate them.  If you are not planning to breed then neuter the male.  If you are are, then keep them separate when you are not nearby to keep him out of trouble.
If she gets pregnant at a very early age, it is unlikely that she will carry them to term.  Ten months is about the earliest that a female cat should be bred.
Signs and symptoms are not necessary, because then it is too late to do anything about it.
The symptoms of pregnancy in a cat are the same as in a woman. The nipples enlarge and become pink and tender. This usually occurs at 3 weeks after conception.

Just keep them apart for now, when you can not keep your eye on them.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks.  What are the signs that she is in heat?  I asked my first question which was when can she conceive to this site and the woman told me 4 months.  They are indoor cats and it will be impossible to keep them apart when I am in my college classes. Is it dangerous if she does get pregnant this early?

ANSWER: Each female is different.  Some signs that she is in heat are calling out loudly and frequently, crouching with her rear in the air and becoming super affectionate to everyone.
Most females do not even conceive at the earliest until about 7 months. It is highly unlikely at 4 months.  Do you want kittens at this time? You will undoubtedly get some at the first heat, because the male can determine that she is in heat by smell, long before you see any outward signs.

If she does not get pregnant very early it will be unusual due to their proximately, so be prepared.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I would love kittens.  He is actually smelling her behind often, is that a sign?  He never really did that before.  She is pretty quiet thoough.

He is a male and is looking for action.  He has just gotten to the age when he is interested. But it has to be mutual.  She must be of age and that is different with every female. I have had them come into heat first as early as 7 months and as late as 14 months.

Until she is, there is no way to know when she will want him.  Right now he is a male and wants everything with a vagina.

Doesn't that sound just like a man? LOL!
