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My gfs cats are peeing on my clothes ???


how do i get my girlfreinds cats to quit urinating on my clothes left on the floor. Its happend like 3-4 times this week alone. and im gettting very frustrated.


This kitty may have a bladder infection that is undiagnosed so my first recommendation is to take this kitty to the vet for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible. It is also possible that your girlfriend's cat is trying to communicate discomfort with some change in his/her life. The most obvious suggestion that I have is to not leave clothing lying on the floor to get peed on. If you have recently started spending more time with your girlfriend her kitty may be jealous, if you don't leave the clothing within reach then the cat should stop, I recommend that you hide clothes in the closet, don't forget your shoes....  Anything that your girlfriend's cat has peed on should be laundered in the hottest water that is safe for the fabric and using a product like oxy-clean (which is an enzymatic cleaner meant for treating organic stains and odors in the laundry) is a good way to permanently remove the odors so that the cat will not be making the same mistake based on smelling a previous accident. Frustration really isn't going to be helpful in this situation. The best thing that you can do at this point is to do some detective work and see if you and your girlfriend can find out what this kitty is trying to communicate if no medical cause can be found for this change in behavior. If this kitty has never urinated outside of the litter box prior to now there are common problems that can cause a cat to pee in the wrong places. If the kitty litter box isn't cleaned at least once daily that can be the culprit, think about how you feel going to the toilet in a dirty public washroom. Colognes, body washes, laundry detergents, fabric softeners, scented litter and air fresheners in the area of the litter box can cause a cat to become very uncomfortable (similar to a person that is sensitive to scents). I also recommend making sure that the litter box is available, in a place where they can eliminate in peace without lots of noise or activity. Cats are like humans in the sense that they very much prefer to have privacy to use the toilet. Some cats are so fastidious that they actually prefer to urinate in one litter box and defecate in the other. I always recommend that cat owners make sure that they have one litter box per cat plus one on each level of their home. That tends to eliminate accidents made simply because the litter box was too far away. I have also found that most cats prefer an unscented clumping kitty litter in their litter boxes and that the boxes are cleaned at least once daily. Air fresheners of varying descriptions can cause cats who are sensitive to perfumes to look elsewhere for a less smelly place to use the toilet. There are different causes for inappropriate elimination. Different factors can come into play...For instance, an older cat that is ailing may have actually forgotten where the litter box is or just not been able to get to it in time. Spaying and neutering can stop a cat from marking their territory along with other health benefits. I would suggest that you take some time to acknowledge the cat just in case he/she feels like you are taking his human away from him. It doesn't hurt to bring your girlfriend's kitty the odd toy, treat or catnip toy, in fact if this kitty's motive for leaving messages on your clothes is about jealousy you may notice a great improvement...I have every confidence that a solution can be found, it may take a bit of time and patience, but it is possible to turn things around...The one thing that it is important to remember is that this kitty is not trying to frustrate you or make you angry, there is a reason for the behavior and finding the problem and fixing it generally fixes the problem...Some cats may be upset at seeing wildlife or a stray cat in their yard. If it is possible that this kitty is feeling like his territory is being invaded that may explain the inappropriate elimination. Spaying and neutering also cut down spraying or urinating outside of the litter..If you would like some more specific information please feel free to write back with more information for me to work out...Gender, age, household changes, temperament, health status and other factors are important clues to solving the puzzle. I do hope that this information is helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.