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possible upper leg or hip broken


My 1 year old son (cat) seems to have suffered a serious injury to his Upper leg or hip possibly. He walks around very slowly and I can see that his left upper hind quarter is sticking out slightly. maybe due to inflammation it is very warm to the palm of my hand in the area.  I don't have any money to take him to the vet.  I can tell by gentle probing that he is in pain and it seems to be centered on the left upper hind leg area. He is walking carefully and eats and drinks ok.  He is laying down much more than usual and if I pick him up or touch the area even a little he cries.  I don't think he is in a lot of pain as he isn't panting or crying when he is at rest.  My question is, what if anything can a vet or I do for a broken upper leg bone or a damaged hip?  If I put him on kennel rest and see how he is after a couple days, will it be too late then to do anything? Also if he is in a lot of pain is there anything I can give him or anything I can do to help relieve it? Sorry for the long question, but he is my little guy and means a lot to me, and it kills me inside that I cannot afford to get him taken care of correctly, so the next best thing I can offer him is my assistance. Thanks for any suggestions you may have.


I am not a vet, but I believe your only option is to get him to a vet ASAP,  I understand the money issue, but many vets will see what they can do to for you financially.  The problem is that if it is a break, you may have to get a cast put on.  I would worry about healing correctly and limiting his ability to get around.

The kennel rest is an excellent idea.  I do not know what pain killers are available for cats, per se, as my vet always takes care of that (sorry)!

Cats handle pain medication differently than we do, and many pain medications we use for us are highly poisonous for cats.  They also tend to metabolize these medications more slowly than we do, so you must be extremely careful.

It would be much better to get your boy to a vet than any other option.

I am sorry I cannot be of more help on this one.

Concerned regards... Norm