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Siamese cat/ swollen teats


I have a Siamese (mixed). She is 9 months old. She has been in heat 2x, the last one at the end of sept. She had an ultrasound at the end of october, and showed no signs of pregnancy. Within the last 2 weeks she has had swollen teats. She has not shown signs of being in heat. She is an indoor cat. We have another lynx siamese and are trying to mate them. I did find him attempting to mate yesterday. I am wondering if she could possibly be pregnant even without showing signs of heat like she has in the past? Thank you for any input you may have.  Lisa


We have had cats come into heat briefly and had the male mate them and immediately go out.  The males know long before we do when a female is in heat!!!!!!

As to swollen teats, these can also be a sign of being in season!  As far as when to tell if the mating took, we check the female 21 days after breeding (we start counting on the 2nd day of breeding).  For a short time, the females nipples should turn bright pink and protrude.  This lasts only a few days, so you must be diligent. HOWEVER, sometimes this can be a sign of coming back into heat. Cats do not make anything simple.  

If you think she may be pregnant, an ultrasound is the best way to check.

Please let me know what transpires.

Best regards... Norm.