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Hi, ok so here is something thats a little different than what you probably get for questions. A few years ago a litter of feral kittens and their mother were dropped off at the barn I work at, by whom we never found out. Needless to say, I fell in love with one of the kittens and ended up taking him home when he was old enough. Here's where things get a little messed up. Once he came home he fell in love with my mom and my brother and started to literally hate me. He sleeps with my mom and is the perfect cat, in her eyes. My whole family finds it funny that I can't get along with this cat. Now he is about 4 years old and an indoor cat, so I know hes going to be living for a quite a few more years and I do like him, he just doesn't like me. Is there any way to win this cat over? Anything helps.

P.S. He is nice to me under two conditions. 1.If he wants food or 2.If I'm the only one home and he wants attention.


Hi Ashley,

Believe it or not I get questions like this. Your best bet is to win him over with the food treats. Find something that he really loves. I have one here who loves Biljac dog treats. Make sure no one else gives him treats and always have one or two in your pocket. Whenever he comes up to you give him the treat. Try to give him a pet on his back and say good kitty. Get him to associate you with good things. He will start to seek you out. It is just going to take a little time. Good luck and take care.

Ciao. Karen