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Behaving Badly


I have a 2 year old mixed brad cat part Persian. Recently my husband brought home two kittens that their mother abandon. The are 6 weeks old now when I got them they were only about 2 days old. Well my cat will not have anything to do with them or me. He has distance himself and will hiss at the family members now. He was a indoor / outdoor cat now he only comes in to eat. How can I make him part of the family again, he won't let me get close to him  Please help

Hi Linda,

He will settle down in time. When you introduce cats to the household there is usually a set way to do it. But since these are kittens you can get away with just bringing them in. Your older guy is upset. You need to give him a little more attention. Feed him extra treats and give him more quality time. Things should settle out in about 2-3 weeks. good luck.

Ciao, Karen