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Introducing a stray to the family


I recently took in a stray (she si currently in heat) and I wanted to get her inside and prevent her from becoming pregnant. I cannot take her to get spayed until Wednesday - until then what do I do?!?!? I have 3 other neutered males and need to keep her in the house until I can get her spayed. HELP!!


As long as you isolate this kitty in a room with a litter box, bed, toys, food and water everything should work out okay. Part of why you want to isolate her from your resident cat is in case she has parasites or viruses that she can pass on to your cats. You need not worry about pregnancy with the neutered males even if this little girl manages to slip out of her quaranteen room as the males are incapable of getting this little one pregnant. Hopefully your sanity can take listening to this kitty advertise until Wednesday, my thoughts are with you on that one! All in all I would like to congratulate you for rescuing this cat from off of the streets. One thing that many folks do not realise is that a cat living on the streets usually has an 18 month to 2 year lifespan just due to predators, cars and diseases. Congrats on your new family member, but do remember to keep her isolated from your other guys until 2-3 weeks has passed just to be sure that your resident cats are used to her scent and she doesn't have any viruses or infections to pass on. I hope that this helps. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.