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my kitten 5 months old


well this is the 3rd day he first started getting sick he's not throwing up nothing but he's not eating or drinking I did give him Gatorade and he's kinda wobbly he is weak from not eating it's like it something just happened.I DID put some mouth balls out and he may have gotten into that I don't know .his eyes are like watering and he don't stand long please tell me what I should do I wanna treat him myself because the vet is to high. Thanks

well what can i say. Sometimes you simply can't treat yourself. Why well firstly you need to be able to properly diagnose what the problem is with your cat. it could be so many different things and without a vet doing some tests you simply won't know if he has the cat flu or some other intestinal issue. Secondly if he does need medicine then you wont be able to buy it over the counter.

Also why are you giving him gatorade? this is a fizzy sugar filled drink for humans.

I'm sorry but my advice is to take him to see a vet as soon as possible.
